Note: Appointments are not currently available.
Dr. Behrens is on medical leave due to shoulder surgery. New client appointments will not be available until July 2025.
Existing Client Appointments
Existing clients should email for availability.
New Client Appointments
Appointments are available weekdays to be scheduled between 9:30 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. Expect to spend at least one hour with the doctor. The minimal charge for an initial visit including exam is $300 with extra fees for services, diagnostics, and treatments. All charges are due at the time of service and can be paid by cash, check, or credit card.
All existing veterinary records should be emailed or faxed to (415) 373-4176 prior to the appointment. This will allow Dr. Behrens to be best prepared for your housecall.
Some pets are very outgoing with visitors. Others, especially sick cats, may hide under furniture. To make the most of your visit, it is recommended that these pets be enticed into a comfortable, enclosed space prior to the scheduled appointment. A large, thick towel that they have already been able to lay on may be helpful. Mood lighting, treats, and play are encouraged to set the right mood.
For blood testing or ultrasound imaging, please do not provide food for 12 hours.
For urine testing, please try to prevent urination for at least four hours.
For fecal testing, please have a recent sample refrigerated.
COVID-19: Dr. Behrens has been vaccinated and boostered. He can come masked and gloved but may only do so if that is requested. Please cancel your appointment if a human in the household has been sick within the past week.
You will receive a confirmation by email. If you can’t find it in your inbox or spam please leave a voicemail at (415) 376-9780.